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Charitable Giving Update: Supporting Local Initiatives

Updated: Jul 1

As part of our ongoing commitment to supporting local causes, RiskSTOP Group has recently donated to a number of critical community services. These donations have been made due to our continued effort to address urgent mental health needs within the community and enhance community events.

Supporting Mental Health Services in Portland

Paige Jolliff and Isabel Sommers with flyers for 'The Sanctuary Crisis Intervention Hub' in Portland
Pictured: Paige Jolliff (left), Assessor for and service user of The Sanctuary, with Isabel Sommers, Founder and Therapist at The Sanctuary.

£1,000 has been donated to The Sanctuary Crisis Intervention Hub, a vital facility addressing the mental health needs of Portland residents. Established in August 2023, The Sanctuary emerged to fill a significant gap in mental health services on the island, particularly for those without easy access to provisions in Weymouth.

The Sanctuary offers an array of services, including in-person crisis support, therapeutic sessions, and 24/7 text support. It provides a safe space for individuals experiencing various mental health issues such as bereavement, depression, anxiety, and mental distress. The facility's welcoming and secure atmosphere is designed to prioritise comfort over clinical formality, making it a crucial lifeline for many islanders.

"With our donation, we hope to support The Sanctuary's mission to alleviate loneliness and isolation among residents and promote ongoing conversations about mental health," said Natalie Joyce, Group HR & Social Responsibility Associate Director. "Their work in creating a safe space for individuals to share their concerns and be heard is vital for the wellbeing of the community."

Locked Up for a Cause, Amy Raises Money for Weldmar Hospicecare

Amy Lillington dressed in prison clothing next to a sign for weldmar hospicecare
Pictured: Amy following the completion of the Jail & Bail event challenge

In April, Amy Lillington from took part in Weldmar Hospicecare's Jail & Bail event, a fundraising event arranged to support the essential services provided by Weldmar Hospicecare. With only 17% of their funding coming from the NHS, Weldmar relies heavily on the generosity of the local community to continue offering critical care. During the event, the participants were challenged to raise donations as 'bail' money to secure their release from a ‘jail’ at Shire Hall Museum, Dorchester.

The bail target was set at a significant £999. However, through determination and overwhelming support from the community, Amy not only met this goal but exceeded it spectacularly, raising a remarkable £2,134, bringing the grand total from all participants to just shy of £6,000. This substantial contribution will help Weldmar Hospicecare continue its invaluable work of providing care and support to those in need.

Enhancing Local Events with Hanger's Heroes

In addition, RiskSTOP Group has also contributed £1,000 to the Hanger's Heroes Challenge 2024, a local event that raises funds for various charitable causes. This donation covered the cost of Timing Monkey, a professional event timing service that ensures the smooth operation of races and challenges.

Hanger's Heroes is renowned for its engaging community events, which not only raise significant funds for charity but also foster a spirit of camaraderie among participants. Timing Monkey's services will enhance the event experience by providing precise timing and results for all participants.

"We are proud to continue our support of Hanger’s Heroes with this contribution. The work Nina and Roger do for local charities is admirable and has benefited many people’s lives," added Natalie.

A Commitment to Social Responsibility

These donations are part of our promise to engage with and support the communities in which we operate. Our commitment to social responsibility is reflected in the ongoing efforts to make a positive impact through charitable giving and community support.

"We believe in giving back to the community and supporting initiatives that make a real difference in people's lives," said Danny Lillington, Managing Director at RiskSTOP Group. "Our recent donations to The Sanctuary and Hanger's Heroes Challenge are just a few examples of how we strive to fulfil our social responsibility and contribute to the wellbeing of our community."

For more information about RiskSTOP Group's charitable activities and community involvement, please visit our about us page.


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